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And yet in a sentence

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Sentence count:166+1Posted:2016-07-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: candymind you
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61. The lightning was the forked kind and it branched suddenly like a firework and yet like the limb of a blazing tree.
62. And yet their eyes, their lips, a certain shy grin or quizzical cant of an eyebrow, look strangely familiar.
63. So much undervalued this fish and yet St Peter himself has blessed it with his thumb-mark.
64. After all, cannabis does much less harm to a person's health than nicotine(, and yet cigarettes are legal.
65. I didn't want to be beguiled by your smile, Ellie - and yet, against my will, I was.
66. And yet the deed for which he is best known needed no-courage at all, no effort, even.
67. You may have known some one else for twenty years and yet he will never be more than a casual acquaintance.
68. And yet surprisingly little is known about the factors which make for public acceptance.
69. It was only fifty-six miles away and yet I crossed so many barriers to arrive and to leave.
70. He was getting better every day, so much better, and yet business got worse and worse.
71. And yet another moral occurs to me now: Make love when you can. It's good for you. Kurt Vonnegut 
72. And yet he has not yet been able to put his legitimacy on a firm basis.
73. And yet here was his father on the brink of suicide destroyed by a bourgeois system that he so admired.
74. But a simple squat can exercise most of the muscles in the body and yet keep it in perfect balance.
75. It is, for example, a public space and yet a private one too, as an extension of the adjacent buildings.
76. And yet there remains the fact, noted at the outset, that the Act applies to violence and violent threats in private.
77. And yet his motives were not unique; in a capitalist economy everybody is out to get money.
78. And yet an amazing amount of good feeling, and even jollity, cropped out between these opposed pickets at times.
79. And yet, she is also clingy and whiny sometimes bossy and demanding.
80. They had taken the brunt of battle during the war against Chaos and yet they were reviled by their fellows.
81. We all live with the objective of being happy; our lives are all different and yet the same. Anne Frank 
82. And yet the driver isn't aware of these acrobatics from behind the wheel.
83. It blends in very well with the surrounding architecture, and yet it gives it a nice lively look.
84. So innocent a scent, and yet ... Shivering, he took a long, slow breath of her.
85. Thinking about women is a way of avoiding the thought of death - and yet women may be the end of you.
86. And yet when you are first starting out as an entrepreneur, a detour is awfully hard to resist.
87. All avant-garde movements were anti-bourgeois and yet all were assimilated by the structures of bourgeois society.
88. He took four of six rounds and yet without ever making his supporters believe that a decisive victory was on the cards.
89. Shelter from the storm was a basic rule of humanity and yet not to be misunderstood as an invitation.
90. Thousands are dying from disease and starvation and yet no one seems to care.
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